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Skills for creative ecosystems in transition
September 16th, 2024
Skills for creative ecosystems in transition

‘Skills for creative ecosystems in transition: A Workshop organized by the New European Bauhaus Cultuur&Campus Putselaan’ workshop which will be part of the Rotterdam Programme of Creative Skills week ( More info to be released soon.

Exposition 'Front Window' by Tomas Mutsaers
September, 16th, 2024
Exposition "Front Window" by Tomas Mutsaers

“Front Window” is a photographic work that explores the notions of home, chronic illness, and the impact on the relationship between the individual and society. Drawing from Tomas Mutsaers’ personal experience with Long COVID and the resulting period of physical and social isolation, he delves deeper into the concept of a space that is simultaneously a refuge and a constraint. Everyday life literally passed him by, leading Mutsaers to investigate the dynamics of observing while in a state of isolation. Through his photography, Mutsaers invites us to witness the world beyond his window, where the ebb and flow of daily life are distant yet intimately close. “Illness is the night-side of life, a more onerous citizenship. Everyone who is born holds dual citizenship, in the kingdom of the well and in the kingdom of the sick. Although we all prefer to use only the good passport, sooner or later each of us is obliged, at least for a spell, to identify ourselves as citizens of that other place”.

Olympic Break
August 8th, 2024 13h-17h
Olympic Break

In a Podcast show with local dancers (legends), teachers of Codarts and hopefully an Olympic breakdance athlete will evaluate the Olympic Finals. How can breakdance and informal culture influence the formal way of teaching dance? And vice versa. The podcast show is open to the public.

Bloemhof Festival
18 Juli 2024
Grote cultuurcampus uitgesteld, kleine campus volgend jaar in verbouwd schoolgebouw

Het prestigieuze plan om aan de Doklaan een grote cultuurcampus te realiseren wordt uitgesteld omdat het de betrokken partijen te veel geld gaat kosten. Bij de campus zijn naast de gemeente, de Erasmus universiteit en Codarts ook de HR en meer specifiek de Willem de Kooning Academie (WdKA) betrokken.

Hillevliet Festival
July 6th, 2024 12h-18h
Hillevliet Festival

During Hillevliet Festival (a local, creative breeding ground) Cultuur&Campus Putselaan presents “Olympic break” in co-creation with KarimMoves, a local break dance community. Dance Battles, performances by legends and interviews with talented kids. With Codarts we will organize interviews with local, young talent. The main question is what “break-dance” brings them in life? And of course, there are breakdance battles with a finale between the 8 best dancers. This all is a warming-up program for the Olympics 2024 in Paris, where ‘Breaking’ is a new Olympic Sport. With hopefully a local finalist Menno van Gorp.

Bloemhof Festival
June 8th, 2024 13h-17h
Bloemhof Festival

A neighborhood festival organized for and by residents. Cultuur&Campus presents circus workshops (Codarts), sustainable playground equipment, coral growing workshops, and a quiz about city birds, as well as a clothing repair cafe with clothing exchange. An opening by councilor Achbar of well-being and coexistence. We bring formal and informal worlds together in a playful way.

Bloemhof Festival
22 Mei 2024
Cultuur&Campus Putselaan takes off

May 25th, 2023 marks the start of the first edition of Zomer op Zuid, an almost five-month-long sequence of music, dance, visual arts, theatre, and food at various locations in Rotterdam Zuid.

Bloemhof Festival
31 Januari 2024
TU Delft komt met zo'n 10.000 studenten naar Rotterdam: 'Dit gaat de stad enorm veel opleveren

Een deel van de Technische Universiteit Delft komt over twee jaar naar Rotterdam. Het gaat uiteindelijk om zo’n 10.000 studenten en verschillende opleidingen. ,,Op Zuid hopen we vooral studenten te vinden wiens ouders geen universitaire opleiding volgden.

Bloemhof Festival
Juni 2023
Nieuwsbrief Juni 2023: We gaan beginnen!

Cultuur&Campus Putselaan is a pilot for sustainable and inclusive urban development, (art) education, culture, and socially relevant research, from local residents, local entrepreneurs, (art) education, and the municipality of Rotterdam.